Mayor Bill de Blasio’s CP TIME Comment RACIST. Hillary defends him.

de blasioNew York City’s profoundly stupid and gawky and sickening Mayor Bill de Blasio, insulted the audience — and black people everywhere —  at the INNER CIRCLE THEATER at the New York Hilton Hotel in NYC where the Democrats were having some kind of charity event.  I’ll tell you about that in a minute, but let me set this up.

Hillary Clinton, dressed like an evil  Madam – fronting for a storefront Geisha With Happy Ending massage parlor –  was the guest of honor.   Hillary’s blouses are getting longer and longer.  The tree trunks she uses for legs have moved up to her lower torso.  All of this is now covered with various fabrics.  Eventually Hillary will be wearing a Burka — and hopefully not for reasons other than the fact that she’s a fat, shrieking blasio

The whole thing started out with de Blasio ( I hate spelling out his totally fake name) coming out on stage against the backdrop of the Broadway play “HAMILTON.”

If you don’t know anything about the play,  you’re already in a better state of mind than I.   Hamilton the play is to the Founding Fathers of the USA what “The Wiz” was to Judy Garland.  It’s a jive turkey tribute to Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and the rest of the gang of evil White European men who did nothing but destroy the world — you know the drill.   The bad guys who created the USA.

The play sucks, but because the actors don’t look like the people we see on our money, it has been embraced by the folks with New York Values who think — pretend – that it’s a masterpiece.   The play is surviving on the great fake press/praise it got when it opened.  Now it’s a “must-see” for everyone visiting from Peoria and parts unknown.  Once they’re in the seats, they realize that they have paid to see the urbanized degradation of great men.

Anyway, this play was chosen as the backdrop for Hillary’s introduction because everyone in New York rejoices in  the unity of the races.  There are no racist Democrats.  New York City Values are, for people of color, what the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval was to grandma’s soaps and detergents.   WE are all one, big, tan family.

So de Blasio comes out and performs a silly rap routine whilst talking to a black actor – Leslie Odom Jr. – who plays the role of  Vice President Aaron Burr.   Nothing wrong with that.  An actor is an actor and it doesn’t matter that a black man plays the part of a historical figure.  Yeah it’s a little weird, but not as weird as a black actor playing the part of a black Klingon in Star Trek.  Klingons were already a race of people.  Why would there be black Klingons?   But I digress….hillary

So, de Blasio was rapping horribly with his long and floppily invertebrate body out of sync with everything in the universe….ugh.  He looked like a squid thrown out on the deck of a boat.  It was horrifying.

Do you want to puke now or can you hold it in the back of your throat for a few more minutes?   I felt sorry for Leslie Odom Jr.  because he’s probably very talented — but this part will not be his springboard to stardom.   To his credit — which I will get to later — Odom shot down de Blasio’s racist remark.  This was a very brave thing to do.   de Blasio got SERVED by Leslie Odom Jr.

Here’s what happened.

Hillary came out and in her no-talent and totally shrill-scripted voice said to de Blasio, “It’s about time.”  Obviously this was a reference to de Blasio’s recent endorsement of Hillary for President.   Okay, before I tell you what de Blasio said, keep in mind that the audience had already sorta-kinda winced when de Blasio, whilst rapping, called Donald Trump, “a chump.”   Nice way to keep it classy, Bill.  What a moron.

So, Hillary says, “It’s about time!” Leslie Odom, dressed beautifully as Aaron Burr, shouted, “OH SNAP!” — something that Burr probably said thousands of time.  Then,  de Blasio, being the Squidward of New York, replies, “Sorry Hillary, I was running on CP time.”   CP time is a derogatory reference that used to be used for “colored people time” — meaning that black employees – colored people) always showed up late for work.

The audience gasped — it was so so cringe-worthy.   Time stood still.  Hillary’s blouse, which was already gold and hideous, got golder and more hideous.  de Blasio got gawkier and stupider and creepier.  It was a milli-moment of extreme awkwardness.   As the moment passed, Leslie Odom said loudly, “That’s not — I don’t like jokes about that, Bill.”   Odom seemed really angry and so did the crowd.  Hillary tried to cover but as soon as the audience recovered from the racist remark, their eyes had been burnt to cinders by the glare of Hillary’s long blouse.

Afterwards,  all the folks out there who look for racism in every nook and cranny, were up in arms.  Everybody who is anybody was furious and de Blasio was the racist du jour.  Apologies were demanded by the people who usually demand apologies, but no apologies came.

This part ONE in my series about phony Liberals — de Blasio is more phony than his name.  Hillary is so phony that if she changed to unphony, the universe would implode upon itself.

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