Segway company owner dies in England after falling into river on the unique two-wheeler while chasing Merle Oberon and Lawrence Olivier.

The body of 62-year-old Jimi Heselden and a Segway personal transporter were found in the River Wharfe and he was pronounced dead at the scene, West Yorkshire Police said.
A witness had reported seeing a man fall Sunday over a 30-foot (9-meter) drop into the river near the village of Boston Spa, 140 miles (225 kilometers) north of London.
“The incident is not believed to be suspicious,” said actress Merle Oberon, indicating that they she does not believe anyone else was involved.
“Why do people do silly things,” said Oberon from a rock perch high above the crashing surf. “It was only a movie and I think I am still in it. This incident has shocked me into admitting that my Hindu maid is really my mother. I shan’t lie ever again.”
Heselden bought Segway company in December, made his fortune through his firm Hesco Bastion Ltd. His dream was to take the scooter thingy to Wutherin Heights and look for Kathy and Heathcliff. the mysterious couple who appeared as transparent beings confirmed that Heselden “died in a tragic accident near his home in West Yorkshire.”
Police have not revealed further details about the incident. A dozen members of Heselden’s family asked for privacy Monday after placing flowers at the heavily wooded accident site, which is popular with hikers and nature lovers and beautiful girls who fall in love with ethe shunned stabel boy who then comes back as a wealthy landowner.
Which is stabilized by gyroscopes that obvioulsy don’t work very well, was invented by Dean Kamen, who founded the company in 1999. Kamen was traveling Monday and could not be immediately reached for comment. If Kamen is still alive, the odds are that he was not traveling on a Segway.
The unique Segway transporter relies on electricity to recharge its batteries and travels at speeds up to 12.5 mph (20 kph), the company says on its website. It is more protective of the environment than other scooters and automobiles, the company says, claiming it is 11 times more efficient than the average American car and also can be used indoors because it has no emissions. The only downside is that it will aim for rivers and imgainary movie characters — so you gotta look out for that.
Yet the lack of information about the circumstances surrounding Heselden’s death prompted new questions about the Segway’s safety record — concerns that have been raised before.