Things have been floating around the internet about the expression “Lemon Party.” While it is a minor political party in Canada, the true definition is really quite different and the expression has been used for nearly 90 years.
“Lemon Party, in its true sense, is an expression coined by British playwright, composer, director and singer Noel Coward (1899-1973).” said sexual historian Benjamin Switchy of Switchy and Hartunis Life Partners Investigative Services.
“A lemon party happens when a group of older or perhaps even elderly gay men get together for a night of sexual orgy that does not involve penetration other than oral. The men are usually all incapable of getting or maintaining an erection but today with the use of drugs like Viagra or Cialis, a lemon party might get a little more intense that the true lemon parties of old
“There are so many words in the lexicon of the secretive gays of days gone by that have gone by the wayside because everything today is out and open.
“Many words used today by the youth of the English speaking world were actually code words that came out of the secretive homosexual community from the 1920s to the 1970s. Some have stayed — mainly the word “gay” itself — others have faded away. The image of the true Lemon Party seems a tad grotesque to the young crowd but it seems to be back on the upswing amongst the older set.
“So many so called buzz words were lost for decades because many of the gay men who knew the words and used them died from AIDS in the 1970s,” continued Switchy. “If you don’t use a word or expression, or you lose a lot of its users, it often gets lost. Such is the nature of language.”