So this loon, Cheryl Kilodavis has a baby boy who likes pink and purple and sparkly girly things. Good for him. The sad part is that nutty Cheryl, the boy’s mom, who has a few Kilos missing from her Kilodavis, is exploiting him in her book, “My Princess Boy.”
This crazy, self-marketing, on the verge of being a boy in a balloon lady has one agenda she knows about and another she doesn’t. Firstly, she just wants to screw with the Mormons in her homestate of Utah and piss people off to get publicity. There is no reason for her to run around in t-shirts protesting against the church when in fact nobody really has even noticed the kid. She’s the one who is pushing the kid into the public eye. Maybe they should do this to bed-wetters too — stupid ass.
The other agenda she is too dumb to see (or perhaps too smart to lay aside) is that she is dragging a child into her madness.
If the kid likes pink sparkles or frilly dresses or Lee Press-On nails, that should be his own, personal private choice, and held reverently as such until he is 18 and old enough to decide for himself who should or should not know about his preferences.
Kilodavis is nuttier than Octomom ( I hate having to capitalize her name) — she might be smarter — the kind of smart that makes TheDamienZone.com SICK!!!!!