Randolph, 89, is not letting her advanced years get in the way.
“I have been around and worked my way through a lot of things,” said the still youthful actress.
“I have suffered through the Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, World War II, the McCarthy era, the social unrest of the 1960s and the horror of the tragic events that changed all our lives on 9-11. I think I can do a great job as President.
The champagne-beige haired Grand Dame of TV offered a bit of a nod to Sarah Palin as well.
“I may not be able to hunt down a moose, or chop down a pine tree, and I’m long past my cougar years, but I have the experience a gal needs to put some spunk back in the White House. My only regret is that Audrey (Meadows) is not here to be my runing mate. Her sister Jayne (Meadows-Allen) has said she would be happy to jump on board my ticket but I don’t think Jayne can handle the big issues. She’s better at game shows.”
Randolph plans to run as an Independent because she thinks that both parties have had way too many chances.
“I don’t like what’s happening in our country,” Randolph fumed. “If I see one more Democrat or Republican screw up — BANG ZOOM!”
Miss Randolph seems to be serious and we’ll see what happens when the primaries come around. She’s already the front-runner in Brooklyn and in the New York City sewer system where her late husband worked for 37 years.