Carlos Santana Ruins Atlanta Braves’ Special Day.

Carlos Santana made an asshole out of himself and showed no class by lashing out at a a crowd of baseball fans who had come to see a game dedicated to civil rights.

Legendary rock guitarist Carlos Santana in town to be honored for a “Beacon of Change” award at Sunday’s MLB Civil Rights Game at Turer Field, called the state’s new immigration law “anti-American.”

Santan took his turn at the podium on the field in a pre-game ceremony before the Braves-Phillies game to criticize the immigration bill just signed into law by Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal Friday.

“I represent the human race,” the Mexican-born Carlos Santana said. “The people of Arizona, the people of Atlanta, Georgia, you should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Some fans and celebration organizers were angered.

“He ruined the whole game and the event for a lot of people,”  said Roxanne-Tray- Bloxie, a native of Atlanta and a civil rights activist. 

 “This was not supposed to be a protest rally.    Why do these celebrities have to turn everything into a cause or an agenda.  I don’t care that he was born in Mexico.  I was there to see a dignified awards presentation and a baseball game.  Santana behaved like a child.  He showed no class and I had heard that he was very crass prior to the game and he proved it.  Morgan Freeman always manages to steer around this kind of thing but this time his luck ran out.”

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